
Pursuing my curiosity-Running: Women Behind The Network Female Leaders At 50 Series introducing Katie Holmes

When I started my blog at the age of 50, I was setting off on a journey with curiosity and excitement. Curious to find out more about the experiences of older female runners and their participation in running. Excited about learning new skills and developing my writing, adapting it to a different format.


Why write about older women? Women over fifty are not often in the public eye, in fact it can feel that we are invisible. We don’t know much about older women’s experience of participating in sport or their attitudes to exercise. 


I started by interviewing female runners over fifty because I wanted to share and give value to their storiesand to celebrate their achievements.


The six women I’ve interviewed, aged from 50 to over 70 have diverse running biographies. Two of them have been runners for most of their adult lives, four started running after the age of 40. Their motivations for running vary but they have all found a community of friends through running. By continuing to run into their fifties, sixties and seventies, all six women could be said to be exceptional. Society’s expectations are that older women, and, to a lesser extent, men, will become less active and enfeebled by ageing. Instead these women have become more active and stronger. They are also making themselves visible by running at parkrun, at races, on the track and on the streets.


Another way in which I give prominence to older women’s stories is through my curated list of blogs by female runners over 50 from the UK, USA, Canada and Australia. I’m always on the lookout for more blogs to add to the list.


Quite early on I branched off into a new area of interest. After hearing interviews with pioneering female marathon runners on the Marathon Talk podcast, I became interested in the history of women’s endurance running and have published several articles about this on my blog. For decades women were excluded from endurance sports on the grounds that they did not have the strength, that their gynaecological health would suffer and that getting hot and sweaty was unfeminine and unbecoming for women. Women were prohibited from running more than 200m at the Olympics from 1928 to 1960, and the women’s marathon was not added to the programme until 1984. 


My aim is to find out about and record the stories of the trailblazing female runners who challenged the status quo and showed what women could achieve in the face of limited opportunities and prejudice. They built the foundations for women’s running today and their history deserves to be better known. 


Along the way, I’ve developed a network through social media, connecting with people I would otherwise never have reached. Their areas of expertise or interest overlap with mine in one or more ways. I’ve connected with academics in the fields of sports history, sociology and sports science; with campaigners raising awareness of the perimenopause and menopause; with physiotherapists, nutritionists, athletes and coaches; with lots of runners including world record holders and Olympians; and, of course, with many active women over 50. These connections have enriched my writing, especially in the area of running history, and encouraged me to continue.


Five years on, where will my blog journey take me now? Turning 50 did not feel like a big milestone for me but turning 55 has. I feel more keenly aware of the limited time that I have left to achieve what I want to through my blog. I feel that I have something important to say and that what I am doing is worthwhile. I am not sure whatmy destination will be, but I do know that I’m going to pursue it.


Katie Holmes, www.RunYoung50.co.uk





Lifestyle medicine: The Vital Role of Green Spaces for Long-Hour Workers

In the hustle and bustle of modern work life in particular for those working inside all day, those clocking in long hours may often find themselves chained to their desks or feeling a little claustrophobic in their homes or work buildings. There is working on terminals all day, the glow of your screen is often a perpetual companion. The need for brief escapes becomes paramount, not just for a change of scenery, but for the benefits such respites can have on our overall well-being. Green spaces serve as the perfect antidote to the confines of virtual and work walls, offering a refuge that is both soothing and revitalizing.

Benefits of Green Spaces:

Green spaces are more than just aesthetic enhancements to urban landscapes; they are havens where employees can recharge. The importance of these areas lies in their ability to:

Improve Mood: Natural settings have been scientifically proven to elevate mood, reduce stress, and mitigate the risk of burnout.

Boost Health: Regular exposure to greenery can enhance physical health by encouraging movement and providing cleaner air.

Provide Relaxation: The serene ambiance of a park or garden offers an ideal environment for unwinding and reducing mental fatigue.

Enhance Well-Being: Being surrounded by nature, even briefly, can improve one’s sense of happiness and life satisfaction.

Given these compelling benefits, it’s clear that making time for green space breaks is essential. Here is a simple checklist to help incorporate these moments into your daily routine, ensuring that you reap the full rewards of nature’s bounty.

Green Space Break Checklist for Long-Hour Workers:

Morning Rejuvenation:

Start your day by stepping outside and taking a deep breath of fresh air.

If possible, arrange morning activities to include a view of greenery, even from a window.

Sunlight Boost:

Acknowledge the invigorating power of the morning sun to bolster your vitamin D levels and energize your day.

Timed Reminders:

Set a timer or schedule alerts to prompt you to take regular breaks away from your screen.

Use smartphone apps or calendar notifications as a modern-day cuckoo, calling you into nature.

Mindful Movement:

During breaks, engage in light stretching or walking to promote blood flow.

Find natural spaces near your workplace for a quick stroll, like a nearby park or walking path.

Lunch Al Fresco:

Whenever possible, eat lunch outside to combine nourishment with the therapeutic effects of nature.

Breathing Exercises:

Practice deep, controlled breathing exercises while in green spaces to maximize relaxation.

Focus on Flora:

Take a moment to observe the plants, trees, and wildlife around you, which can ground you in the present moment.

Bring Nature Indoors:

Keep plants in your work area to maintain a connection with nature even indoors. I’ve created a little greenery just behind me where I work which can be seen on my work screen by my colleagues.

Use natural light and views of the outdoors to keep your workspace bright and mood-elevating.

The Rule of 20-20-20:

Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds—ideally, something green.

Reflect and Appreciate:

Use your time in green spaces to reflect on your day, set goals, or simply practice gratitude.

After Work Wind Down:

Conclude your day with time in a green space, dissociating from work stress and transitioning peacefully to personal time.

By integrating these practices into your daily work routine, green spaces can become more than just places—they’ll be your partners in maintaining a balanced, healthy work life. They offer the sanctuary we need for not only surviving but thriving in today’s demanding work environment. Remember, sometimes the best way to move forward is to step outside.

I’d love to hear what your suggestions are for getting out and taking a break from your work space.

Create an indoor garden 🪴

Navigating Midlife Hurdles- Boosting Work Confidence for Women Over 50

As women enter their 50s, they often face unique challenges and transitions that can impact their work confidence. Empty nest syndrome, menopause, the demands of the sandwich generation, and health concerns can all play a role in dampening self-assurance. You may even be returning to work – check out this government document https://educationhub.blog.gov.uk/2023/03/17/budget-2023-what-are-returnerships-and-who-are-they-for/

In this blog, we will explore practical tips for you to help you regain work confidence and thrive in the professional space.

  1. Embracing Empty Nest Syndrome:
    Empty nest syndrome can be a significant life transition for women whose children have flown the nest. Instead of letting the void consume you, view it as an opportunity for personal growth and professional development. Reconnect with long-lost passions or invest time in learning new skills. Consider mentoring younger colleagues or volunteering in your community to fill the void and enhance your self-esteem. Other articles https://www.betterup.com/blog/empty-nest-syndrome https://www.verywellmind.com/empty-nest-syndrome-how-to-cope-when-the-kids-flee-the-coop
  2. Navigating Menopause:
    Menopause, with its hormonal changes and physical symptoms, can affect women’s confidence at work. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care during this time. Ensure you get enough rest, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy diet. Explore relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to reduce stress levels. Openly communicate with your employer if you require workplace accommodations to manage menopausal symptoms effectively.https://menopauseintheworkplace.co.uk/articles/menopause-and-work-its-important/
  3. The Sandwich Generation Struggle:
    As women in their 50s, many find themselves juggling the responsibilities of caring for aging parents while still actively engaged with their children. Balancing work and personal life can be overwhelming. Remember to set clear boundaries and communicate your needs with both your employer and family members. Seek support from support groups or professionals who can provide guidance and assistance in navigating the challenges of the sandwich generation.https://meetcaregivers.com/sandwich-generation-challenges-resources/ https://www.humangood.org/resources/senior-living-blog/sandwich-generation-squeezed-between-parents-and-kids
  4. Prioritizing Health:
    Health is a vital aspect of overall well-being and work confidence. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are crucial, as they can help identify and manage any health concerns. Pay attention to both your physical and mental health. Engage in stress-management techniques and seek support if needed. https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2023/women-turning-50-health-changes
  5. Lifelong Learning and Skill Enhancement:
    Never stop growing and learning! Enroll in courses or training sessions to enhance your existing skill set or learn new ones. Upskilling can boost your confidence by keeping you relevant and competent in the ever-changing work landscape. Seek out mentorship opportunities to gain insights from experienced professionals who can guide you on your journey. https://www.aarp.org/home-family/your-home/info-2023/learning-after-50.html. https://beleveuk.org

Embrace the change the best is yet to come:
As women over 50 navigate through empty nest syndrome, menopause, the sandwich generation, and health concerns, it’s essential to prioritize self-care and seek support when needed. By embracing life transitions, setting boundaries, and investing in personal growth, women can regain work confidence and thrive in the professional sphere. Remember, age is just a number, and your experience and wisdom bring unique perspectives that can make a significant impact.


Maintain Your Fitness and Wellness at 50: Weekend Wellness

Welcome to our weekend wellness guide for female leaders who are determined to stay fit and well over the weekend! Balancing professional responsibilities with personal health can be challenging, but by prioritizing self-care, you can achieve both success and well-being. Let’s explore some inspiring tips, routines, and activities to help you maintain your fitness at 50.

Explore the great outdoors! Engaging in activities like jogging, cycling, or brisk walking amid nature can rejuvenate your mind and body.

Strengthen with Yoga and Pilates

Practice yoga or Pilates to enhance flexibility, improve posture, and cultivate inner calmness. It’s a perfect way to find balance and restore positive energy.

Fuel Your Body with Nutritious Meals:

A balanced diet is key to overall well-being. Prepare colorful and nourishing meals filled with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains to maintain optimal health.

Prioritize Mental Health:

Take time to relax and unwind. Meditation and mindfulness exercises can help reduce stress, enhance focus, and foster mental clarity.

    Engage in Recreational Sports:

    Rediscover the joy of participating in recreational sports like tennis, basketball, or swimming. They not only promote fitness but also provide enjoyable social interactions.

    Manage Stress with Relaxation Techniques:

    Incorporate relaxation techniques like bubble baths, reading, or listening to calming music to unwind. Prioritizing stress management allows you to perform at your best. Go outside into nature.

      Stay inspired, energized, and motivated as a female leader who is committed to maintaining your fitness and well-being at 50. By embracing outdoor activities, or practicing yoga and Pilates, nourishing your body with healthy meals, prioritizing mental health, engaging in recreational sports, connecting with like-minded individuals, and managing stress effectively, you can lead a fulfilling life filled with success and vitality. Remember, taking care of yourself is the first step toward achieving greatness!

      Please share your favourite weekend wellness activities

      New thinking

      Let’s talk dirty : Money

      How often do you set yourself some “alone time “ to calculate what you are doing with your money , what you will need to retire. Why do so few women talk about money with each other or seek advice on how to manage their money. Is money a taboo subject?

      The change in the UK state pension age for women highlights the importance of discussing finances. Many women avoid talking about how much they earn or own, particularly in terms of property and investments. This reluctance may stem from societal norms or a lack of confidence when it comes to finance, but it is important to recognize that a woman’s wealth is not solely based on her husband’s income. In some societies it can come across as crass to talk about your money. Yet we all need it and so should talk about it with partners and friends. Those of us with with daughters need educate them in the dos and do nots of money management and living on a budget.

      What if you have debt?

      It is important to seek support from debt advisors, who can provide tailored advice and practical assistance with managing debt. For those struggling financially, there are a range of organizations and charities available to provide advice and support.

      The first step in clearing debt is to assess your financial situation and develop a budget plan. This will allow you to understand your income and expenses, and identify areas where you can make savings. Women should focus on repaying high-interest debt, such as credit card balances and personal loans.

      There are several ways to get support and advice in clearing debt, such as contacting the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Money Advice Service, or StepChange Debt Charity. https://www.stepchange.org/

      These organizations provide free, confidential, and non-judgmental advice to those struggling with debt.

      What about investing?

      Investing wisely is a crucial component of financial planning, but it can be daunting. However, with the right guidance, anyone can invest wisely. Start by doing your research and identifying your goals and risk tolerance. Diversifying your portfolio is key; don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Experts suggest investing in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as a good starting point if you’re new to investing.

      Another crucial component of financial planning is preparing for retirement. Check here


      Though https://www.stepchange.org/retirement may seem far in the future, it’s never too early to start planning. Consider contributing to a workplace pension scheme or setting up a personal pension plan. Additionally, it’s important to assess your eventual retirement income and consider strategies, like downsizing your home or continuing to work into your later years, to maximize your retirement income.

      In conclusion, discussing finances and investing wisely are important for women in the UK, particularly given recent changes to the state pension age. By taking a proactive approach to financial planning, including investing and retirement preparation, women can take control of their financial futures and achieve long-term financial success.

      So let’s not be afraid to talk dirty, let’s open the conversations on money for women.

      Ciara Moore


      What missing-7 tips for managing that midlife inertia

      Midlife offers opportunities to try something new

      Sooner or later, almost everyone feels trapped by a midlife crisis or just midlife inertia. You might be frustrated with your job, you may feel burdened by domestic obligations, or perhaps you’re simply wondering how to bring a little more excitement and novelty into your life. Here are a few holistic ideas from Female Leaders at 50 that could break you out of your midlife crisis.

      1. Update Your CV for Job Hunting

      Perhaps you’ve been working in the same industry for a decade or two, and you’ve realized that you’re no longer happy or fulfilled in this path. If you’re getting ready to start job hunting, don’t send out any applications without reviewing and updating your CV. 

      To ensure that your CV looks organised and professional, you may want to use a template rather than formatting it on your own. If you’re looking for an easy way to refresh your resume, you can turn to a free online resume builder, which will include a template library. Then, just fill out your work history, include an education section, and list your relevant skills. You can also add photos and images if necessary!

      Take the opportunity to connect with other women like you who are trying to find their true place in the world at this stage in their lives. Female Leaders at 50 is a great way to make these connections. Plus, you can meet women from all over the world. Check it out and consider joining today!

      2. Freshen Up Your Home

      Your home should be a place you can go to relax and recharge. If things are looking outdated or are in disrepair, that can negatively affect your mood. Take some time to tackle the projects you can DIY and begin to outsource some of the larger projects. Or get that cleaner if your budget can afford it.

      3. Consider Entrepreneurship

      What if your midlife inertia is rooted in a lack of agency in your professional life? You might feel like you’ve never been able to explore the extent of your creative abilities in a traditional job.

      If you have a business idea, you can register it as an LLC under your chosen company name. With this structure, you’ll have limited liability protections, and you’ll also qualify for specific tax write-offs.

      To file your paperwork, you can budget for a lawyer or save significantly by filing through an online formation service. Regardless of your approach to filing, make sure that you comply with all of your state’s formation requirements.

      4. Take Up a Hobby

      It’s easy to get so wrapped up in the daily hustle that you sacrifice time that you should spend doing things you love. Whether you have a hobby that has been pushed to the wayside or you’re looking for something new, start now! Not sure what to do? Walking, cycling get outdoors.

      Gardening has positive mental and physical health benefits, and it can be done in smaller containers or larger gardens or greenhouses. If you want to learn more about which plants work in your area and how to avoid common pests, check out Home Garden Hero for tips!

      5. Write in a Journal or write it online

      Journaling is a great way to work through the uncertainty of a midlife crisis. Simply + Fiercely states that journaling can improve your emotional intelligence and help you navigate big decisions. You can start journaling today – just pick up a notebook and pen! Not a write? Download a diary app and dictate- job done.

      6. Find a Workout You Love

      As leaders we know physical health is essential for mental wellbeing. If you’re struggling with your mental health because of a midlife crisis, exercise can help. Working out supports your physical and emotional well-being, especially if you incorporate activities like yoga into your fitness routine. To design workouts that you actually look forward to, Livestrong recommends considering whether you like exercising solo or with others and if you prefer working out indoors or outdoors.

      You can start by simply finding an area with a high walk score – meaning you can easily walk to many different places – and choose to walk rather than drive to your errands. Or if it’s a particularly beautiful area with a park, take a walk there each day. 

      7. Start Volunteering

      Volunteering can bring you a deep sense of purpose. If you’d like to find an organization in your community that needs volunteers, OnStar recommends checking in at your church or temple, your children’s schools, your college’s alumni association, and even posting on social networking apps that host neighborhood discussion groups. Plenty of charities, nonprofits, and other institutions would be happy to have an extra set of hands on deck!

      Take the Steps You Need to Be Happy and Grow

      Right now, you might not know how to move forward and embrace the next phase of your life. But you don’t have to despair – instead, you can use your midlife crisis as an opportunity to make beneficial changes. By applying some of these tips to your personal circumstances, you can get a new job with an improved resume, start your very own company, or begin journaling to figure out your next big move.

      About the author

      Eddie Harmon- our first male blog on our website

      Eddie Harmon is a serial entrepreneur. He started his first business in college and has been starting, growing, and then selling his businesses ever since. He created Better Biz Tips to share some of his expertise along with what he considers the best business growth resources on the internet.